Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Relay For Life

Wow such a late post about this event! So Relay For Life was on June 19-20th. I had signed up with PANDAC to raise money and walk since my friend Diana Chan was the captain of that team and because I hold a place in my heart dearly for the cancer cause since my Uncle had passed away from skin cancer a few years back. I came at around 4PM on Friday June 19 and stayed until about 8:30AM Saturday June 20th. On the day of June 19, 2009, I woke up at about 1PM. It was the first time I got to sleep in so late ever since Physics class at Mission College started. I don't have class on Fridays hence amazing sleeping hours. I had no idea how I was getting to the even which was at the Milpitas Sports Center since I lived in San Jose. I decided to call up Bettina Pancho's sick butt and asked her if she was going.

"Hey are you going to Relay For Life today?"

"Yeah! Are you?"

"YEAH! Wanna go together? :D"


"How are you getting there?"

"Umm...no clue hahah, You?"

"My mom's picking me up"

"Oh can I get a ride?"

"Sure just come to my house before 4PM `cause my mom's being anal about having to drive me"




"Bring me DRUGS! We ran out of all the cold medicine at my house :["
(Bettina had been sick all week with an extreme fever, we're not druggies I swear.)


So I get up and get ready to go. Packed all my things and took my keys and left the house. I walked half way down the street then I realized, "SHIT DRUGS FOR BETTINA." So I walked back my house to get them. It was about 3:30PM at that time already. Once I got to the bus stop, I got a text from Bettina Pancho wondering where in the world I was, to which I replied "The bus isn't here yet! ;(" Approximately five minutes after the bus came and I hoppped on. It was a very hot day that day so when I came on the bus the air conditioning felt DIVINE! I get off at the Great Mall stop and start my way to Bettina's house. By the time I got there her mom had just came home. I waited about five minutes for them to come down and we were on our way.

When we got to the sport center, Bettina's mom told me to watch after Bettina since she was sick, to which Bettina replied with rolling her eyes and walking away. After we saw her mom drive away I handed Bettina the meds and told her to take it before she dies of heat stroke. It had been both of our first times participating in Relay For Life so we had no clue what to do or where to go. Bettina had signed up with KEY club which were setting up for the event opposed to PANDAC who were raising money and walking for it. We walked around until both of us found our teams and parted ways. When I got to the PANDAC tent area I didn't know anyone except Thuy Le and Jaylene Lu from badminton who were busy talking or making friendship bracelets. (Diana Chan came up with the genius idea to make and sell personalized friendship bracelets to sell in order to raise money for this cause) The rest were their senior friends. Diana soon got there and saved me from loneliness. I asked her what to do because I really had nothing to do and no one to talk to since all my friends from my class were signed up with KEY club which was busy setting up. She gave me a paper and told me to find everyone from PANDAC so sign up for times to walk around the track. Steffany Tran then came and tagged along since she didn't really know anyone else either. Diana was busy setting up the tents when I asked her when we were going to start setting up to sell bracelets. She realized that she didn't have any tables or chairs so I remembered about our dining table and chairs at home (which is really just a minuscule foldup tables and foldup cloth chairs used for camping) and offered them to be used. I called up my Mom and told her to get the table ready for me to bring. Diana asked her frined Jonathan Wong to drive me to my house to pick it up. Steffany Tran overheard and wanted to tag along since she didn't know what to do alone there. We walk out to his car and see that the whole parking lot is completely full. Jonathan being asian, didn't want to lose his parking space since it was very close. So I call up Jaylene and ask her to bring someone out to guard our parking space. Three minutes later Jaylene comes out with a complaining Emil Kurian. We pull out and they jump in to our spot right away and begin their job. We start driving towards my house rather slowly in my opinion (probably because my mom is a speed demon and could get there in 3 minute,) and we get to my house about 10 minutes later. Emil and Jaylene call to complain about how long we took. Then we ran in grabbed the chairs and table and left in a hurry.

We got back and carried everything in there and setup the chairs and tables and what not. I then found Thuy and got her to start selling. We pulled up chairs and string to get ready for the orders. Charles Le came by with his cute little doggie and attracted so many girls. While they were there Thuy and I started pitching out friendship bracelets and the girls all ordered a bunch. Diana came over and gave me an envelope for the money and orders seeing as PANDAC's treasurer and Diana's own brother Lawrence Chan did not come -___- Funny how she trust me with this job even though I'm not even in the club at school. Selling bracelets was so CHAOTIC. We had about 6-8 people sitting behind the table making bracelets while I took orders and money. If you passed by you'd probably thing we were running some type of asian bracelet sweatshop. I told Steffany to go advertise for us and she disappeared in about 15 minutes and never came back to help out.(Steffany is an officer of PANDAC also) Oh the irony. We whipped out bracelets left and right. None of us really got much to eat except from time to time when Zack Liang came by and fed us from our plates. He's a really nice guy who none of us knew but was in PANDAC. Maggie Blackburn brought him over because he was lost.

At around 11PM I believe, all our bracelets makers were getting tired and it was getting late so we decided to stop selling personalized bracelets. Diana handed Zack abunch of her Relay For Life related pre-made friendship bracelets to sell. He came back with no luck. I then took them and ran around with Rudelle to sell. I surprisingly sold them all. I came back with the money to an amazed Diana. The lights then shutoff for the 'Survivor' ceromony. We walked around the track in the ceremony with glowsticks for a lap and came back to the tent to move our table and working site to the hospitality tent seeing as how that was the only place with lights to work. Diana's friend came and gave us more premade bracelets to sell in which Diana assigned me to go sell. I ran around for about 5 minutes and came back with them all gone. Diana was amazed. After everyone finished up the ordered bracelets they all went to sleep or wherever. Only Stacey Chiang, Zack Liang, Diana Chan, Jonathan Wong, and I were up. Stacey had nothing to do so she made bracelets all night for me to run around and sell. Zack and I went on a selling spree and sold all of them all night.

After we were all exhausted we just sat there watching this weird movie with aliens that was being played at the hospitality tent. The movie was extremely uncanny. They were running around and killing people and saving people and there was this evil dictator guy. It was rather dark and scary. Daft Punk music was being played the whole time. By the time the sun came up I had a huge headache and I was exhausted. I had gotten NO sleep the entire night. We had about 3 bracelets left over which I went around again trying to sell. I came back and there was this weird ring light thing that Evelyn made while she was bored. I asked Diana, "Do you think I can sell this? It looks so...weird and unsellable. o_O" I believe her exact words were

"At this point...I think you can sell a rock. Seriously."

That was the funniest thing I had heard in my life.
By the end of the event, we were all family. We had spent WAAAAAAY too much time together. I made tons of new friends all while raising about $200 dollars for a good cause.

My mom came to pick me up around 8:30AM to go home to pick up my stuff for my first class of SAT prep. When we got there, it was the test day. My sleep deprived self could barely finish the 4 hour test. I kept nodding off every 2 questions. I skipped so many and BS quite a lot. In the end I got a 1120. Damn...

By the time I got home I was exhausted and fell asleep for a good 5 hours. I woke up with something that felt like a hangover. Overall, I had tons of fun and I plan to go next year :) I feel sorry for anyone who actually read this whole thing. It's so long and pointless. I probably even missed lots of stuff that happened but I'm too lazy to write more. I only wrote this to avoid doing my SAT homework. HAH! Now I'm back to doing my SAT essay. ;__;