Saturday, May 23, 2009

Always Hurt the song I am listening to currently. Always Hurt-David Choi. I've been listening to him alot lately. I heard his music before but was too lazy to get really into it due to so much school work and sports practices. But now that badminton season's over I have plenty of time. :D Well...anyways, this is my first actual blog O: -gasp- Yes, took me about 6 months of having this account to write an actual blog (not counting my Spanish one since it's for class). But's like 1 in the morning right now and I have no clue why I'm not in bed snoozing right now. O_O I just downloaded David Choi's album. I'm not really good at this blogging business so bare with me now. I think I'm too random for this and I don't know what to write. Hmmm let's, tomorrow; getting started on posterboard for Chemistry consumers product project. -__- What a great way to kick off memorial day weekend eh? FML. But hopefully, my mom will let me drive her car around the back of target. :D We were driving past the empty parking employee parking lot behind target the other day and my mom just happened to mention what a great place it would be for practice driving. Since then I've begging her to let me drive hehe. I start my 1st 2 hours of behind the wheel training with an instructor Tuesday. Hope I don't kill anyone! Anyways...let's see...damn, I fail at this. Um yeah...I don't really know what to say anymore soo I'm gonna go to bed. Haha! This first blog fails! :D Let's see how long it'll take me until I write my 2nd blog! Lawlz! Gooodnight world! Oh yeah, go buy/download/listen to David Choi's music! He's a great singer.